Saturday, March 14, 2009

PK all Day

Lot's of parkour recently. The weather is clearing up and the snow is melting. Last night I went out with Kusa in some dark clothes to climb onto some roofs, but we went out too early and there were people, so we did a bunch of parkour near the new spot I found, and in a playground as well as on some train tracks. Was a great night run especially on the limited spots we had. Worked on a lot of stuff but didn't end up climbing the buildings, we'll get to it some other time...
Today had a great jam with my friend from Jersey (Pines), we basically did a migration jam discovering tons of spots around downtown and we then went into this campus we trained on before did a bunch there and then headed back towards where we started using only alleys. We have a lot in common and should train together more. Discovered a few great spots and we appreciate marble surfaces a lot because of how nice it feels. Great jam, we got ice cream and after talking to the chick behind the counter (who thought we were a team because we both wore red) we decided we wanna start a parkour club at our school.
Weekend is great so far and I look forward to tons of nice weather with lots of parkour :D.

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