Monday, May 31, 2010

food, punks and lasers

For school turns out I'm currently in fail standing, which means I need to get special permission to enroll and basically see if I can go back to school in Montreal or not...
Yesterday nothing special hung out with people and that's it. Today went to ABC No Rio for Food Not Bombs but it was locked and we ended up just bringing the unprepared fruits and vegetables to the park and leaving the boxes out. I'm gonna try again next week see if it turns out better or not.
Also went to a punk show in Tompkins Square which was good times. There wasn't much of a circle pit most of the time but it came on and off and was pretty cool. It was conveniently located close to where ctf was going to take place and where we would have served if we actually had cooked for food not bombs...
CTF was lame because it didn't happen instead we played laser tag which isn't nearly as fun, still fun but not as much as I was hoping for. We played and moved and played and ate and played so it was a good time in the end. For food I got some nuts and chocolate from a chain pharmacy (fo free) and someone passed me an extra taco, earlier in the day I found a grapefruit on the floor and I ate that before what was supposed to be CTF started.
Ithaca is supposed to arrive on Wednesday instead of Tuesday :(, it seems like it's taking forever-ish.

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