Thursday, January 1, 2009

TKD and PK

TKD: I saw a friend of mine that now lives in Spain, he's here working in construction and learning the tricks of the trade while making decent amounts of money. We hung out and he proposed to take me to a Wing Tsun class because we are both martial artists. We went into the neighborhood and end up bothering an old Chinese couple because the class was closed and we had trouble understanding what they were trying to tell us. When we communicated successfully we figured we shouldn't waste the night and asked people in the street for any type of dojo in the area.
We were told how to get to a local Tae Kwon Do Dojang. We went there and took a class. The art is clearly a sports martial art it's possible to tell simply because of the methods of teaching to retreat after striking instead of aiming behind the target to get more power. After a warm up we worked mostly on front snap kicks (which I've not improved on since having taken Shaolin thanks to the class) but nothing else since it was our first lesson. We also worked on nunchucku which surprised me because I always thought TKD was an empty handed martial art, but maybe the instructors are mixing in other martial arts to add to tue curriculum.
Was fun overall, later went clubbing and started putting MM (mystery method) to use in the field with some interesting results, nothing crazy but it's good to see that it works, I should probably finish the book and internalize some stuff before going into the field to test it out but since I have no expectations I don't mind whatever results come my way.

PK: I've recently done some parkour with Crisis in his neighborhood as well as some sneaking. We left his house ready to make up for lost time and cram in as much BSC stuff as we could in one night, however I feel that frat life is over powering BSC in Crisis' life at the moment, which is fine if that's what he wants I guess. I was wearing these new boots I got to bring back up to school and deal with snow, as well as camo pants and a hoody, boots are best broken in while not doing parkour because I had no idea how I would perform with them on and they hindered me a lot. Better than finding that out on the cold cement back near school though...
Crisis and I went through a few yards and did parkour in a playground before running into and then avoiding some druggies. We also went to a grocery store and took some gum while buying vitamin water, more as a test of our abilitis to be discrete in a social setting than to get free gum, we most of it away later anyway.

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