Saturday, March 19, 2011

Attend parties

Go to boring parties
Crash better parties
Last night a few of us went to a dance party, it was fun and full of hotties and for a while it was good. However time (and what I consider bad DJing) led to more relaxing and tranquil music which combined with the trickling decline in hottie presence led to me and Kunoichi deciding to leave with Giggles and a friend (Foufou). However when we crossed the street to unlock our bicycles we heard yelling/singing coming from a nearby apartment and saw dancing silhouettes. Foufou and I joked about the idea of simply showing up to said party.
Soon enough we were crossing the street and discovering that the door was in fact unlock and very much open. All four of us climbed the stairs feeling kinda nervous and met a pile of shoes and shortly after a girl in a green dress, we told her that we heard her party from outside and wanted to party with them.
So we're all dancing it up on the dance floor and it slowly dawns on us that we've stumbled into a group of tight knit friends that probably think we're weird as fuck (and maybe a lil sketchy). As we realized how akward we seemed and how strange we felt we left.
But if anything the criminal maxim from Evasion came to mind, "the victory is in the attempt!"

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