Friday, March 4, 2011


Today and yesterday were rad, good times. I'm an optimist, I'd like to think, I mean I have a smiley face tattooed somewhere on my body (bonus points if you've seen it). I want to stay an optimist forever, I mean I have more fun as an optimist than as, well not an optimist. As an anarchist and a person that dabbles in skepticism, I feel that I'm slowly becoming jaded with pretty much everything, I'm sure this is a natural part of living in a society that does not support or agree with a very large portion of what I believe in...
Yesterday I went to listen to Scott Kellog talk (he's one of the authors of a pretty rad book called Toolbox for Sustainable City Living) and it was good, he didn't really say anything I didn't really already know (except he talk about a new project he was working on which I'll look into soon). Also last night I went to a poetry reading/spoken word thing at Skidhaus, which was fun and tranquil and pleasant although not particularly super exciting. Today I woke early and biked over to Concordia and attended a conference called moving forward about sustainable and urban agriculture. It was fun and interesting I didn't learn anything new in terms of technical stuff but I enjoyed it none the less, it was a lot of people talking about projects already in place, free food and a breaking into smaller groups and discussing and then more free food. 10 am to 5pmish.
I feel like we're all already in the same boat and things like this are kinda preaching to the choir, it's important to remember though that these events also serve as the "community" aspect (among others) of the struggle for food politics (and all that it overlaps with). It's the thing that keeps people around, reminds people that they aren't alone in their uphill battles for positive change, serves as a support structure in a culture that is often apathetic toward what I feel is important. Yay for things that make me realize that despited the totally fucked-ness of the current situations of a plethora of things (you know, kinda well, everything mostly) that there is no reason to stop trying to make things better and to continue to struggle. Optimism for life! Hopefully...

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