Sunday, September 20, 2009

First Dive

Back in my computer hacker days I used to get my mom to drop me off on the other side of the bridge near J&R and I would pick up computer parts from the trash. That was in middle school.
Tonight me and Kusa went dumpster diving for fruits and vegetables. I found a dumpster map of the city I'm in, and there was a fruitery dumpster a few blocks away from our apartment so we crashed it around midnight. I'll write it up as a night op:
Black Hoodie
Tan Cargo Pants
Brown Boots
Flash light
pocket knife
Dark Blue Long Sleeve
Brown Sneakers

We walked the few blocks down a fairly busy street to where our supermarket is so we could check around there before we hit the fruit dumpster. The super market dumpster said cardboard only (and unlike in Evasion it only had cardboard) and another one was locked up. Super market dumpsters are for another time then, but now I have a great reason to learn to pick locks like I always wanted to.
The next alley was the fruit dumpster alley and boy did it have a fruit dumpster. I was happy to see that the dumpster was unlocked open, and full. The first thing we found was a box of fruit which we haven't IDed, they're purple, oval shaped, with little brownish nubs, there's purple pulpy stuff inside that seems edible. Kunoichi knows what they are but I don't really remember what she said about them, I'll ask her some time. After that I climbed into the dumpster and dug around I found so much food we didn't carry it all back. The dumpster even provided us with a means to carry the food back (so many boxes and trays). In the end we walked off with:
A watermelon (we left two in the dumpster)
Two Bags of green grapes (after removing the bad ones we had about a bag and a half)
Some broccoli
Maybe seven of the purple things
A single plum
A bag of lettuce or salad or some type of edible leaves...
Overall a good experience I will be sure to repeat. I was surprised at how much there was. There was a bow full of eggplants in the dumpster that was barely open, it's too bad Kusa, Ting and I don't really like eggplant or we'd be in heaven.

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