Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Article on the BSC website

I've taken an old howto I wrote for wikihow and added it to the BSC website. Check it out here Infiltrate Shinobi Style. I know it's real basic and is all theory and no technique, but it's more about how to plan and perform an infiltration in a general sense without getting specific.
On a side note, I'll be back home soon. The weather there is defiantly going to be nicer and I'm going to teach a few people some parkour. Hopefully the guys from BSC will be there too but I don't think they have break at the same time as me :-\...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Indoor Parkour Conditioning

I ended up training indoors with Kusa last night but didn't go out with Training Crew today...
Me and Kusa went down to the laundry room and did a bit of yoga to stretch and warm up. After that we worked on rolls on the tile floor, which inevitably improved my technique because pain and experience are good teachers and I was learning from the former. I really need to brush up on my left side roll and the back rolls, front and side rolls are fine. After rolling around we worked on jumping and landing for both height and stealth, Kusa is improving quickly, we worked on two footed landings, crane landings and konging onto the washers/dryers. After that we did shimmying facing forwards and backwards, some jumping down into forward rolls, break falls, forward rolls from prone and other unusual positions. We ended with unusual konging at slanted angles and breakdance freezes to work upper body strength. I want it to be summer or spring so I can go and train outside without getting covered in snow and all that.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Still here

I've been slacking a lot lately but a lot is going on in my life, not that I should be making excuses. I've just updated the Black Shadow Clan website, new article there on planning operations. Part of my slacking has been me missing parkour training for the last few weeks (it's once a week). I'm going to go tomorrow, it's going to be in the same place so I'll throw on some boots this time, as I expect something intense. I've recently created a ninjutsu forum because the one I was moderating on was getting ridiculous, if you want to join it send me a message on AIM or MSN or something. I'm gonna try and train with Kusa tonight but I have no idea if he'll be up for it.