Friday, December 25, 2009

Xmas gifts

I'm happy with the xmas gifts I got, not to many by my family's standards but money's been tight as of late. The gifts I got that are related to this blag are:
Fujita Seiko: The Last Koga Ninja by Phillip Hevener
No Ticket? No Problem! by Scott Kerman
Grandfather by Tom Brown
A Dark Blue Bike Helmet
A green Shirt
The other things aren't too ninja or anything so I'll spare you. Started reading Fujita's biography, guys had a really crazy life and some conditioning exercises are described which will be interesting to try out.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

NY Trash is also delicious

I'm in NY now, hopefully there will be some jams and all that. Crisis is here and Cipher gets back tomorrow so we'll all meet up and plan and scheme and all that. It's covered in snow here, I wanted to get back to some dryness but I guess that won't be the case. I did check a NY dumpster map and went out to get some food, you know to show my parents that trash is awesome, they we're already pleasant surprised by my trash jeans. I went to a supermarket and brought back:
5 Pomegranates
3 Apples
2 Bags of Bananas
1 Bag of Oranges
Some Broccoli
2 Peaches
I went out on the bike and dad was totally thrown off when I told him I brought everything back from the trash. Bombarded my with questions and I think he'll be down once he learns more. Also I feel that you can't really deny results, if the fruit is sitting there looking delicious what can you say to make it less so?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Trash craft, trash trades, and trash pics among other things

I think it's fair to say at this point that I Heart Trash. It's pretty cool, I'm all over craigslist trade it off left and right. I'm trading the speakers and blowdryer I found for some sweaters, and I made a pair of jeans that I actually like (baggy-ish work jeans + cargo pockets + hand sewn = Win Pants). Also made an Xmas gift and found something that I'm going to give as one also. Here's what I got last night, complete with bad laptop webcam pic:
Dec 16th
Here's what I got:
12 Bags of Various Kinds of Chips
1 Bottle of Vitamin Water (not shown)
1 Bottle of Some Kind of Italian Spice Mix
1 Tube of Toothpaste (with fancy sparkly things in it)
1 Container of Taboule
2 Containers of Tzatziki
2 Containers of Onion Dip
1 Bottle of Cough Syrup
1 Ionic Blow Dryer (probably gonna trade it or pass it to Kunoichi's house)(trading for a sweater)
9 Boxes of Nut Thins (Pecan flavor for those of you that voted for that in the poll)
I'm also gonna get a bike on the cheap from craigslist, so I can move around to further spots on the dumpster maps and hopefully get even crazier finds, but only after I attach a milk crate to the back, and make the bike darker. Gonna be in NY soon, can't wait to dive there and scheme with the BSC guys about traveling this summer, Crisis and Cipher seem down with the idea, we gotta make more concrete plans if anything's going to happen though.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Bad Weather/Jean Sheath

I'm gonna be bored for a while, I have a bunch of free time and no plans, also everything outside is covered in snow, so footprints and slipperyness and wetness kinda turn me off from sneaking around doing parkour, but don't think it'll turn me away from getting free food.
Anyways, I made a sheath for the bokken. The old sheath was starting to look pretty suck (it was rubber bands and paper towels) so I took a pair of jeans that I dumpstered but didn't like and cut the back of a leg into a sheath; it's the length of the bokken and then some with the extra space used as a pocket, I sewed it off and added a button, ideally I'll somehow get a zipper and I'll replace the button. At some point I might add a picture of the sheath, maybe...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Year one and some pics

This blog has been up for a year at this point, rejoice a year of ninja adventures, mostly in cities. Also last night I found a ton of foods AND took a pic with the webcam, enjoy the deliciousness that is trash:
December 7th
Not shown eggs and milkDecember 7th
4 Blocks of Cheese
Talked to Cipher and Crisis, they seem to be down for traveling this summer. We're all going to get together and plan it out this winter break maybe over some snowboarding.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Food, clothes and cops

Went diving with Kusa tonight. We went around to the fruit place, which was of course very fruitful. Later we went to check the pharmacy which was very empty except for some stuff I dived but apart from edible food, it was pretty empty. We had to get some bread so we did that quietly and found a bag full of bread and flour, we took what we needed. Afterward we checked a new supermarket to see if they were worth going to, didn't find much. The pharmacy was most fruitful along with the fruit place and we dropped some food at Kunoichi's place. We tried to get some pizza but first a guy went into the alley and we waited around and afterward we went in but left upon seeing no black bags (the ones that contain pizza) and hearing the door of the pizzeria opening. As we were walking back home, we saw a pile of clothes and started digging until we found the brown jacket, while we dug around a cop car stopped to see what were up to but when we told him we wouldn't leave a mess he rolled off, glad it's lax here, I hear in the UK trash is the owner's property until the trash guys (no not us) pick it up...
In the end we brought back:
4 Small Baguettes
1 Apple
1 Pack of Basil
3 Heads of Broccoli
13 Bell Peppers (Various Colors)
2 Bok Choy
1 Salad Heart
1 Bunch of Parsley
2 Containers Tzatziki
2 Containers Onion Dip
2 Containers Bowtie Pasta and Olive Salad
2 Containers Ravioli and Red Beans Salad
1 Brown Polar Fleece Jacket