Sunday, November 29, 2009

Found my old knife

Kusa found my old knife today in the cushions, it has no clip so it slips out of your pocket really easily. It's the tiny black pocket knife. Kusa told me I should string is up to my pants when I carry it to avoid losing it in the future. I dumpstered some twine a while ago so I tied that up to the knife. Now it's on a long loop and I can attach it to whatever belt I have on or to a belt loop, not sure how I'll deal with wearing sweats, maybe get the loop around the inside draw string.
Also the knife can double as a rope dart now that it's on a string although I doubt I'll ever use it as such, (way to scary swinging a blade around yourself on a string).
Overall happy to have the small knife back and I'll probably carry it instead of the Olympia, because of the size and look, much less intimidating, if I need a bigger or serrated knife I'll switch back though.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

More parkour

Worked on more parkour today. Was supposed to jam with the Frozen Monkey crew but the communications were fuzzy and only me and Kusa ended up going out. We went to the campus nearby and worked on rolling, wall landings (cat, half cat, crane etc...), drops with and without forward momentum. I'm better at the huge wallrun, and I got three times to the top with much less effort, but I did cut my palm open because the cement is rough and my hands were cold. I need to condition my left leg because I feel that my right leg is getting stronger than my left and I'm not happy with that.

Garbage for Gear

Not too long ago I found a new messenger bag in the pharmacy dumpster, the lining was loose underneath the flap so I sewed it up. I realized I didn't need it so I put a barter ad online to trade for some travel gear. Today I met up with a guy who traded it for a waterproof jacket. I'm happy with it, it's a dark blue Blind jacket that you just pull over. The guy was pretty cool and says he might be able to get me a tarp as well. We're gonna keep in touch.
Later today there's gonna be parkour, me and Kusa and maybe some other Frozen Monkey guys.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Frozen Monkeys

I've created a group called the Frozen Monkeys, it's a small local parkour crew. so far it consists of me, Kusa, Kunoichi, Pines, Guts and V. Guts and Kunoichi are just just starting so we'll guide them through the basics and keep them progressing. I've told other people who have come to me inquiring about parkour about the crew so that they can come learn or train or jam. Our first meet up will be this Saturday if the weather permits, and will be either a jam or a class depending on who shows up.
Frozen Monkeys because once it gets cold we'll just be jumping around in the cold like frozen monkeys.

Theatre Acrobatics and lonely diving boards

Today, (well yesterday at this point) I was in theatre class when the class was split and sent to different rooms to hear people tell individual stories. The room we went to was a small all black theatre room with four rows of seats and an awesome very climbable looking grid of metal rods halfway to the ceiling. I wanted very badly to ascend the ladder and have a good time messing around on the top of the thing, but teachers and students and class were all hindering me, so I'd have to wait for a window of opportunity to explore a bit. As people told their stories for the class I thought about swinging around on the bars and checking out the catwalks.
As we left the room I considered hanging back and waiting for the room to empty itself but that would be too obvious unless I hid during the bustle of the mass movement. We returned to the main auditorium only to have the main professor tell us that we would have a quick five minute break. I grinned to myself, I was all to happy to slip into the hallway and return to the black theatre on my own. I got into the room, happy to be alone and quietly went up the ladder, once at the top I gave myself a quick tour of the catwalk which went along three sides of the room, I tested my weight on the metal bars and they seemed to shake a bit, I was disappointed. I had decided to return to the ladder and head back to the auditorium when I spotted another ladder concealed behind the cage around the first one that led up to a false ceiling, I quickly flew up that one and was happy to see a bunch of graffiti from previous adventurous students, I looked around at the dusty vents and ceiling slats and then marked "Urban Nokizaru" in pencil on an insulated pipe then headed back down to the catwalks.
I decided that I would try the metal grid once more before heading back to class, this time at the opposite end of the room. The grid seemed sturdy at this point but I got down on all fours QMing to distribute my weight "just in case" (also it was scary as shit to walk around on the 3 cm diameter metal pipes that were covered in dust and wiring). I made it my mission to cross the room on the grid and return. It was sketchy and I spent a lot of time slowly testing the strength of the individual bars but I eventually got across and back, then down the ladder. As I returned to class I was just in time to catch the middle and end of this PUA/magician guy's story about how he likes impressing people. The prof and her TAs gave me a weird look but probably thought nothing of it as I sat down and vanished into the mass of late students who sat around me.
I didn't dive tonight, no time, well there was but I didn't capitalize on it at all, instead I worked on a paper (which I have yet to finish, bleh) tried with Kusa to meet and chill with out upstairs neighbors (it didn't work out they thought it'd be a good idea to go to bed before 1 AM, sigh, some people are just weird I guess) and hanging with Ting and Kusa just talking and relaxing. Don't worry dumpsters I'll pay you guys a visit soon, my friends wants to see what you guys are like.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Summer Plans

This summer I wanna travel around tramp style; riding trains and hitching around. I'm not sure where exactly I want to go, but I'm thinking of meeting up with Pines somewhere and kicking it with him. Probably want to bring along Crisis and/or Cipher as they seem like the only people that would be down for that kind of think. I've made a list of things to bring with me for when I do this:
Grey/Black Backpack
Pocket Knife
Swiss Army Knife
Black Hoodie
Woodland BDU Shorts
Tan Cargo Pants
Brown Sneakers
Water Sneakers
2 Pairs Short Socks
2 Pairs Long Socks
4 Underwear
2 T-shirts
2 Bandannas
Crank Flashlight
Red Flashlight
Matches & Lighter
Spoon & Fork
Sewing Stuff
4 Black Garbage Bags
Mosquito Repellent

Here's the stuff I don't have but would want to bring with me on said trip:
Some Relevant Maps
Sleeping Bag (not sure if mine is good enough)
Some Tupperware
Plastic Mug
Rain Poncho
Probably just want to do UE and Parkour traveling around, diving food, squatting where ever and just hanging out in the summer.

Pizza, dip and folding knives

Not too long ago maybe two three days, I lost my second pocket knife diving, I don't know how I lost the first one. I wasn't happy with my lack of a pocket knife, (I'm not gonna carry around the awesome Swiss Army Knife for everyday stuff), so I went to check out some knives at the surplus stores with Kusa. I ended up getting a folding Olympia, maybe 3ish inches, partially serrated that's openable with one hand. I plan on not loosing this one for as long as possible, so far so good.
I went diving with it of course and I as I was in the pharmacy dumpster (I get inside of it because it's locked and I can't reach too far inside without feeling like I'll crack a rib or two) I hear a car pull up and stop right across the street, I thought it was an undercover cop, but it turns out I'm just paranoid sometimes and that the security cameras still can't see me and no one cares about dumpsters being raided. I slipped out was cautious and quickly left afterward anyway and made my way to the pizza place. I got home with the following:
1 Container of Hummus
1 Container of Onion Dip
1 Container of Tzatziki
1 Plastic Shopping bag Brimming with Pizza (had to Tetris the freezer to fit it in).

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Random Encounters

I just got in from diving, I checked the Chinese place, the Pharmacy, the compactor, the bakery, and even the supermarket, but to no avail just packaging and papers and real trash. So I went to the fruit dumpster the place never lets me down.
As I walked down the alley I I see a mountain of trash bags sitting on the dumpster, I think to myself there must be a ton of trash in there tonigh...
"*******!?!" (That's my name, my real name).
I looked hard at the dumpster, a head separated itself from the mound of garbage a head with dreads on it, at the same time I see a dark silhouette detach itself from the side of the dumpster and approach me, I was only confused for half a second before I realized that Dreads and Guts had chosen the same place and same night to dive as me :). We dug around and collected fruits and vegetables. We took what we wanted and parted ways quietly, a crazy man was yelling (at no one) from his doorway. I explored some areas that I don't dive too often (not much foods) and came away with pizza.
At the end of the night I brought back the following:
1 Slice of Pizza
1 Bag of Basil
1 Bunch of Green Onions
1 Head of Lettuce
A few chunks of Ginger
5 Bell Peppers (assorted colors)
2 Heads of Broccoli
2 Bags of Purple Grapes

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Just dancin and jumpin and dancin and jumpin...

Yesterday was the last day my friend from home was going to be here so we went out clubbing, a his dad had a friend who had a daughter who goes to school with me so I had met her the day before and she ended up coming out with us. She's fun to go clubbing with, she's a good dancer and pro at photo bombing. Later we all chilled here with Ting and Kusa and the neighbors, dived a bit of pastries. We cuddled it up until I had to get my friend to the train station to the airport. Afterward I went back to bed til at least four. Later the girl left also and I ate some food.
Me and Kusa went to the nearby campus to train parkour. It was a great time. We worked on vaulting, rolling, a little bit of fluidity but mostly on wallruns, I progressed to the top of a wall we found that had some gradual slants so you could work up to heights, really happy about that. We met a guy there who was telling us about how he used to train and a place with open gym and different traceurs. I haven't pushed myself in a bit and neither has Kusa we felt the training more than we would have liked to. We went home after that, now we're resting up and gonna go to a party in half an hour-ish, great weekend so far.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dive Lessons and Divine Tests

Tonight I went to another neighborhood near where I used to live to teach a friend to dive in his area. It was an alright time, we found a lot of bakery stuff at two different places (cookies, break, brownie edges, muffins) but not much else. If you wanna start diving read Evasion and The Art and Science of Dumpster Diving. Later on the way to the train I found some noodles and shin pads and scotch tape and bread sticks. The noodles broke open, but alas the dumpster gods had smiled upon me ahead of time and were merely putting my resourcefulness to the test, a test I passed by using the scotch tape to ensure the noodles remained in their packaging (until I cooked them later).
Later near home I dived a bunch of food and some household stuff (dish detergent and batteries). I've come to realize that pharmacy managers dislike chocolate and bakery owners (and many restaurant owners too) dislike bread. They just seem to throw it out all the time, or maybe they just love me enough to feed me :D
... Nah!!!11 lol.
Ting seems a bit excited about Nin-nin coming over for a bit, he has a party lined up for Friday and we're probably gonna go out on Thursday as well. Looking forward to that.

Monday, November 16, 2009

More Kenjutsu

I did some kenjutsu after watching B13 Ultimatum tonight. Just went out back and did various cuts from the above the head. Worked on having my hands in regular and in switch. It was conditioning as much as an arm/shoulder work out. I did a small workout before going out, I need to do more exercise, I'm still more in shape than most people that don't exercise but I feel that I was in much better shape this summer. I found out today that my friend (the guy from Spain that I did the TKD lesson with) will be coming up from Wednesday until Saturday morning. I guess we're gonna go out clubbing probably or crash as many parties as are happening. We'll call my friend Nin-nin (after the Afro Samurai character), because he shares some of the same traits.

A lot of people didn't like the second B13 but I really enjoyed it, I realized it's a lot more stylized but it's an action movie first and a parkour popularizer second so I didn't really expect it to stay "true to parkour" as much as many people felt it should.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Roof and Food ninjas

Alright so yo, parkour teaching today at the nearby campus. I wanted to do some parkour and lately I've been realizing that I enjoy teaching it as much as I enjoy training or conditioning or just doing parkour, not that I'm a master teaching but I feel a learn a lot about my own style and the finer details behind techniques when I explain them and do them over and over slowly and quickly.
I was teaching Kunoichi, we started with rolling, we had to get over the different hand placement of the parkour roll as opposed to the ninjutsu roll that was in her muscle memory from before. After that we worked on the reverse vault, it's strange, she does it better than the two handed vault. Cipher does the same thing, his "natural vault" is the reverse vault as he puts it. We did a bit of jumping work, playing around with height and distance. The last thing we worked on and by far the toughest for Kunoichi was the wallrun and the climb up/pop vault. We went into a building drank some water and then started heading home.
I decided to check out the gymnasium building from when me, Pines and Kusa did the "roof marathon" at the end of last spring. Well, the route is still there but the fence that was once horizontal and easy to bypass is now vertical and slightly less easy to slip under. We went up all the ladders and appreciated the skyline while keeping an eye on the janitors in the windows (making sure they keep their eyes off us). I tried going down another ladder, to a fire escape and then to ground level instead going down about five ladders but there was a ladder cover and I wasn't sure if Kunoichi would deal with is well yet, I went back up and we took the easy way down. Went back to Kunoichi's a bit, drank tea hung with her roomies etc...
Got home made some soup for dinner, Kusa asked me if I planned on diving, lol, of course. I go to the fruit place with him, the results:
1 box of baby spinach
1 box of baby arugula
2 heads of broccoli
2 limes
16 boxes of raspberries
1 box of black berries (I took all 17 boxes and made jam so it'd last longer)
4 green bell peppers
2 red bell peppers
We dropped those at the apartment and Kusa hit the hay. I went out again, to the compactor and the pharmacy dumpster I brought back:
1 box of Halloween chocolate
1 tube of Colg4te
1 red bead bracelet
1 three set of head/hair bands
2 jars of onion chip dip
1 jar of peanuts
1 can of almonds
2 energy efficient light bulbs
2 40 watt light bulbs
1 can of Pr1ngles chips
1 stack of CD-Rs
1 box of cough/cold throat strips
2 tubes of chap stick
1 tube of facial scrub
1 pair of blue headphones
1 roll of twine
1 can of tomato sauce
2 cans of microwaveable stew
2 AAA batteries
2 packs dill pickle sunflower seeds
4 packs seasoned sunflower seeds

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Kung Fu Feast

Before yesterday night I dived a huge bag of everything bready or sugary next to a Timmy Ho's, before that I found maybe 8 cartons of peach nectar along with some 4 basketlets of raspberries and some other fruit. Remember I still have a ton of chocolates and jalepeno chips. Kusa and Ting are gone for the weekend, what will make a large amount of this food vanish?
You wanna watch some Jackie Chan movies? You shoulda came over, we watch a bunch bagels and cookies and chips and sipped on thick nectar in front of Rush Hour and Drunken Master. Kinda very awesome Saturday. Some of the ninja crew from the neighborhood were there Kunoichi was there with all but one of her roomies (there's 5 plus her total) and her friend from outta town (who's down with ninjas and dived food), Dreads was there with his roomie and I got V to stop in after his work. Was a jolly good time, cuddle, eat, watch kung fu, repeat, don't rinse though I want to keep this flavor in my mouth.
Wanna get rid of a large amount of dumpster food? Wanna see all your friends turn into cuddle food zombies? Wanna enjoy some awesome movies? Get your friends, get your computer, dive a ton of food (it's not that hard really) and set that shit up totally worth hour's worth of effort required.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Chocolate and Illness

Tonight I found soooo much chocolate it took three of us to carry it all off. More than I'd ever be able to eat without getting sick (speaking of which I'll get to that later). I also got some sauces and heatable foods, which I'm happy with. I haven't bought food in forever (cept this one time I ate out but that doesn't count). There was a whole garbage bag full of Jalepeno flavored chips I took a few and Kunoichi and her crew has a bunch too.
Since I was there afterwards I hung out a bit and even got some tea Kunoichi makes herself that I had for the first time the other day, after eating chocolate and chips a bit with everyone.
This is the fourth day of me being sick by the way :(. The Kunoichi's tea is great and it really helps. So does dumpstered medicine and fruits and vitamins and just drinking tea and resting. I've taken a lot of vitamin C through a grapefruit, a lemon (in tea) and a clementine (all dived of course). Leaving Kunoichi's I was told I should buy food and medicine, but I feel time and res... time will heal me enough. I left with a bit of tea to boil on my own and a grapefruit from Kunoichi, I'll heal up fast/soon. Till then probably no crazy extravagant adventures, though I did hang out on the mountain on Sunday (first day of my illness).