Thursday, December 25, 2008


I'm happy/ier. I'm at my parents' for Christmas and I've been able to do a lot. I've done some more parkour today as the weather is mostly dry out, I went out to the park and worked on some stuff in a playground and on benches and rocks. My precisions are a lot cleaner and my balance has improved a bit. The playground has shown me that I still can improve on a lot. For Christmas I got some books (some of which are Tom Brown Jr, so I plan on learning from them) and a cheap set of night vision that works pretty well. I've tried it out indoors a bit and I didn't have any problems. I've yet to field test them outside.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pursuit back online

The pursuit video is back online, enjoy:

Friday, December 19, 2008

Back home

I got back home from university about two days ago. It's much warmer here and drier here. I did a lot of parkour in a few of my favorite spots in a neighborhood I hang out in with a friend who wants to learn. We went to a place called the pit, which is a ventilation pit surrounded by walls and rails and some metal blocks outside a hospital, after messing around on rails and doing tictacs onto and off of the metal blocks I stood on a fence and hopped up and caught hold of a wall I never thought to climb before. After pulling up and climbing up I realized it was a small rooflet with a ventilation pit making it impossible to see me I liked the spot it was a good place to go to to vanish. However when I decided to descent I saw a problem, I could either go into cat and drop to the ground (a fall two and a half body lengths long) or go into cat and drop onto the fence and risk falling into the lower ventilation pit. I choose the former and was fine. I need to be more mindful of my surroundings before going places. I went to another spot infront of a doctors office and worked a lot of precisions and vaults, my friend tried vaulting and precisions but needs to work upper body strength. After that we met the rest of our friends and hung out the rest of the night.
Bad news though I woke up this morning and the ground is white and more is falling...
:-\ just what I was trying to get away from, but I doubt it'll be on the ground the whole time I'm here.
EDIT: I've finished reading Takamatsu Toshitsugu The Last Shinobi by Wolfgang Ettig on the train.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sunday Martial Conditioning

According to the program I wrote out for myself I must work martial arts in addition to strength for the core (back and stomach). I went to the weight room which is pretty spartan compared to most gyms, it has a mat, a punching bag, two bike machines (one's broken), some weights and yoga balls and a radio. All that matters though is the punching bag and the radio. I started with a yoga Sun Salutation and some warm ups and stretches. After that I began iron shin and forearms on the punching bag, after some of that I switched to general martial arts, combining ninjutsu kamae and attacks with the attacks of other martial arts, then went back to iron conditioning. Nothing special just some training, I'm gonna be home soon, and the ground will be dry, can't wait for parkour and my reunion with Crisis and Cipher :D

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First Snow

Me and Kusa hit the snow today for some parkour. I've never trained in the snow before because I've never gotten this much this early and I never cared enough to train in the snow. I learned a bunch real quick during the training. When you're doing parkour in the snow, it's gonna get in your clothes no matter how good you are at rolling. I need more snow experience because I have no idea what I'm doing, learning a lot from Kusa here who grew up with way more snow than me. We worked on vaulting rails and cement blocks, rolling and breakfalls, tic tacs and wall runs (only trust rough bricks, a lot of other stuff just slips), running up snow piles and balance. I was soaked after we got back in. We trained at night on the campus and security didn't give us any shit :)

Well who is Urban Nokizaru???

Urban Nokizaru - A rooftop monkey in a city.
You might also know me as:
Treetops (Whenever I'm in a park or somewhere with trees it's where you'll find me, parkour name)
Tops (I'm often on top of stuff, shortened from Treetops)
Master_Sneak (that's my name on Wiki-how where I write stuff sometime)
******* (if you know me in real life you probably call me this)
Mdemon9991 (old username for various places I used to frequent back when I used to program and hack)
StealthThief (username on the Night Ops forum, I'm stealthy, but I'm not usually a thief)
I've grown up my entire life in cities, I appreciate nature, but I don't know it nearly as well as I should, because the most nature I usually see is the local park... I've taken various martial arts throughout my life, when I was small I took TKD but I don't remember anything, I later took Shaolin Kung Fu and I remember a bit of that, after that (or maybe before, I don't remember) I did some fencing, I liked that a lot and I remember most of it. The last martial arts I took were with the Bujinkan and I remember a lot of what I learned, but I didn't stay long :(, I wanna rejoin it soon. I'm a traceur and I've been doing parkour for about 3 years. I started the BSC around the beginning of spring 2008. I'm currently studying Liberal Arts in university, but I'm probably gonna switch it up because I'm not really feeling it.
That's a bit about me, wanna learn more, then ask.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Hey, I've decided to make a blog about my trainings, stuff I learn, etc...
Anything related to martial arts, parkour, ninja (both Hollywood and historical) that I do will go on here I guess.
Here's a list of people I might refer to and who they are:
BSC-The Black Shadow Clan, it's a group that I created with Crisis and Cipher, we train ninja stuff, do some physical infiltration every now and then, and hang out all the time when we can. We're developing our own style of ninjutsu, check out the site at:
Crisis-This guy is a life guard and a traceur, I mean freerunner and is in my clan. We've done our fair share of stuff together, but we still haven't been chased by the cops yet :(
Cipher-This guy has shins of iron, studied Hung Gar and Bo Law Kung Fu, he's also in my clan and is starting parkour kinda. He knows his way around a fight but also in the woods.
Kusa-He's been a boy scout for a long time so he's good at being cold and the woods. I'm teaching him some ninjutsu and parkour.
Urban Nokizaru-That's me :)
Enjoy the blog.