Sunday, February 6, 2011

Warm weather and like all that that entails....

Weather has been like, how can I put this, as fuckin rad as it can be for winter without actually being spring. I like the warmth, I don't mind the stripe of slush I get on my back and on the bottom of my shorts when I ride around I can go outside without a hat and my ears feel juuuuuust fine. :D
What have I been doing in this wonderful weather you may wonder, hmmm. Here's a quick list:
Ummm an awesome bonfire in an abandoned lot with Igs and Divo and some other folk, music and dumpstered wine and well fire! No cops even came to be mean.
A Harry Potter themed party where there was free (delicious) butter beer, straight from the leaky cauldron. As usual (well not really but still) Mount Olympus set the dance floor on fire and stirred everyone up into a mad dancing rage, ok maybe I'm exaggerating but still, twas an alright time.
Biked around and got slush on my clothes, but smiled at the sun and strangers and got complimented. Also started riding with no hands a lot.
Hung with Spaghetti and we doubled around and hung at Laurier house where I chilled with some fun peoples. She burned her foot some doubling via bicycle is not only fun it's totally justifiable.
Other than that spent way too much time reading this awesome blog,
I started from the end and am trying to catch up with the beginning and then I'll subscribe.
Oooh, also, dumpstered a 1/3rd full enormous jug of oil. The only things I worry about (and occasionally buy) in terms of what I eat are oil and spices and one is easy to walk ouf of a store with than another, but that problem is solved for a pretty long time now.
Tomorrow's plan? Well Hang out with CHG a bit then dumpster a bit then consent workshop.
Also national security, umm really, it's kinda a joke, a lot of assumptions I made about government and the ridiculous things they do have been confirmed at the conference "Whose Security? Our Security!", but it twas kinda boring...

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