Saturday, April 25, 2009

Street Escape and Evasion

Tonight I was at a party with some friends, it was being held at a friend's house. Turns out Pines and V were there so I was glad to see them. Met some people there and all that. Pines and V tell me that earlier they were on the roof, they'd gotten up by a fire escape that was just stairs and a ladder. We went up later just us three. However some friends who were smoking followed us up and after a while they made enough noise to get the cops called. Hearing this we all dispersed, the groups splintered I was of course with Pines and V, two smokers followed us down another fire escape into a unlit alleyway. Everyone else went down the way they came which I don't like due to predictability. In the alley we head toward the street after checking a few corners we proceeded stealthily until we hit a really tight area where we had to shimmy through. After that we got to the street.
I led Pines and V over a few fences and through a few alleys to make sure we were invisible ghosts and that the cops wouldn't find us. V wasn't too sober and he was freaking out a bit but he trusted us so it was more of an emotional problem than a physical or tactical one. We checked my friend's street saw three cop cars and casually walked past, we continued until we saw a dark dirt alley. I brought us into that where we ducked under a stair case for about ten minutes as V collected himself with a bit of reassurance from me and Pines.
After laying low in the alley for a bit we returned to the party, all our friends were outside getting ready to call it a night. We joined them and headed back to the residence. Pines and V left for the train after a few blocks and I plan on training with them at Olympic Stadium tomorrow. Other stuff happened later in the night but it wasn't ninja stuff, parkour or anything like that so I'll leave it out.

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