Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sharing, do it!

Yea, gift economies, also anarchy in action, like mix them together outside of a dry politico-economics texts book:
Sunday, Food not Bombs, gift economy, share food. Hang out afterward for the meeting and discuss stuff that hasn't happened yet. Later that evening, head over to T's house (T is a guy I met at grub, who is an anarchist, ex squatter, dumpster diver etc...) to help set up the free store, yea yo, and there was a meeting in the news and more people want to know more about us. We're becoming somewhat of a big deal (ok maybe not that big of a deal but still though). It's a tent, with a lot of stuff in it here's the catch, it's all free! It's fun stuff, we talked about press, out reach and events and then just hung out. I talked to a guy who's been riding trains for ten years about trains and talked to TFG (T's roomie, among others) about Montreal and just talked and talked to everyone about everything until, oops 2am.
Yea I went home a bit late.
At work I've been printing a bunch of zines all day. I got a shit ton now and might even print a shit ton more to give out to peeps.

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