Sunday, November 14, 2010

expozine and wasted time

ummm, so fuck computers and the internet, I mean I love them and all, but really they eat too much time and hanging out in real life is definitely better any day.
Anyways, this weekend was Expozine which was really fun, and also really huge. Like ridiculously huge. Tons of zines and comics and arts and crafts other cool thangs.
I went with Igs, we spent three hours there. Afterward we rode around to dumpster but didn't find much. Went to the coop and ate there, checked out the metal venue and hung there for a bit, we felt pretty cool knowing the owner and not paying and hanging in the sound room and generally being cool I guess.
Not much else happened the rest of the night since we wasted a ton of time on computers doing nothing productive(like I'm doing now). In the end I went to table poutine with TKJ at like 2am and Igs went to go paint walls with Ool...
Oh also the night before we (Igs, TKJ, Rainbow and I) went to a hip hop show at Death Church. 'Twas a good time, Micros Armee was supposed to show but didn't, I love their stuff. There was a cute girl there that I heard rode trains and who I've been seeing around, I talked to her and we traded numbers, chances are I have a crush on her, she has a cool hat.

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