Friday, May 22, 2009

Smoke Bomb

I'm adding this recipe to the repertoire of BSC Kajutsu (fire, explosives etc)I made it after nabbing a ping pong ball from some beer pong people. It's really simple and makes a decent amount of smoke I plan on altering the formula to get more smoke out of it. Here's how you make it (if you've ever done research on how to make a smoke bomb you've probably come across this):
Tin or Aluminum foil
Match Heads
Ping pong ball

Poke a hold in the ping pong ball (the hole I made was around the size of the butt of a pen).
Placing your finger on the hole wrap the foil around the ball and your finger so that there is a stem where your finger was.
Drop some match heads into the stem so that they fall into the hole in the ping pong ball (the hole and the stem should be lined up). I used around 6 match heads.
To add more smoke cut up ping pong balls and add them into the first ball with the match heads.
While holding the stem heat the bottom of the bulb with a flame until white smoke comes from the stem, keep the flame on for a few more seconds.
Throw, drop, deploy in which ever way you please.

Be aware that the smoke is probably toxic because it's from plastic so avoid breathing any in, it's probably bad for your lungs.

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