Friday, May 14, 2010

Hitching to Homer

On Thursday Ithaca and I hitched to her home town of Homer, NY. It took a while we started at around 8.30-9ish and arrived about 12 hours later. We got there in six rides. We started at an onramp in the old port which sucked because the only peeps driving around were yuppies and business people so no one there picked us up. After waiting around for a while we called a friend and found out where the close onramp was going west and went there. It seemed much more promising and the cars there had to stop at a light before hitting the ramp so we had time every red light to run around with our sign ("PLEASE" on one side and "we are awesome" on the other) and smile at people. After maybe 30 minutes we got our first ride from a college student/painter who was on hit way to pick up some paint. I rode up from and since it was a van Ithaca rode in the back with the paint, he was pretty chill and we talked about hitching and school and just stuffs in general. He drove us maybe 15-20 minutes and dropped us off at a nice onramp.
At this onramp I ate a bit of snacks and we thumbed and signed at everyone for maybe 20 minutes before getting picked up by a Quebec trucker/motorcycle driver who traveled the US and Canada on his bike and had a ton of crazy stories. He really thought we were brave to hitch around though, and said he would never do it himself, which we thought was pretty strange. He told us a bunch of stories and dropped us on the side of the highway near an onramp.
We waited there a bit where I changed into a red t-shirt to look less sketchy and after a short wait we got picked up by some guy in a red car blasting metal. He only drove us about 5 or 10 minutes before letting us off at a deserted onramp, we had seen some guys with backpacks hitching while we rode with him. The spot he dropped us off at sucked, there were no cars and the ones that came didn't even pretend to care about picking us up. After a while we decided to walk down a bit. We walked and stopped and walked and stopped a lot then had lunch and kept it up, the whole time cars didn't even slow down for us, but Ithaca took a few naps and got some free sunburn...
After walking and thumbing for probably a few hours we got close to a gas station but it was closed, luckily there were a few houses nearby and we knocked and asked for a ride to the nearest gas station, the woman at the house was really nice, dressed kinda funky in all black and had a bunch of dogs. She agreed to drive us even though it wasn't too far according to her (half hour walk, we weren't feeling that). At the gas station Ithaca used the bathroom and we checked out he map a bit, then we started asking people filling up for rides.
After maybe 20 minutes an older guy agreed to give us a ride after we told him we were trustworthy, although he did mention that he wouldn't have picked us up on the side of the road. He agreed that hitch hiking wasn't what it used to be. He was driving towards Toronto and could take us really close to the border which would save us a ton of time. We loaded our stuff into his pick up (I kept my big bag on my lap) and were off. He had a ton of stories, about his children and grandchildren and traveling and hitching around, it was a fun ride. Ithaca took a nap a bit and then we we're out.
We walked along the highway towards the border flying the sign whenever a car came toward us and we caught a ride that agreed to take us all the way to around Syracuse where Ithaca could get us picked up by her mom. The guy who gave us a ride was really quiet and straight forward, he didn't talk much. At the border the guards were assholes, they seemed super condescending towards our ride about picking up hitchers and they made us all get out the car and wait around while they searched all out bags. They put everything back in the wrong bags when we were able to get into the car an hour later, not to mention that the waiting room we stayed in was full of only Muslims and Asians with a few black guys and younger people, *cough* profiling *cough*. After that though it was smooth sailing, we go dropped close to Syracuse, Ithaca called her moms and she picked us up about half an hour later and took us to her house where we ate some, visited Ithaca's father for a while and then hit the sack.

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