Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Departure and Detainment

Today Ithaca left next NY, she'll be back a bit in about two weeks. We spent the morning in the house and then hit Manhattan to get a gift for her friend in Colorado (where she'll be the two coming weeks), we went to the whole foods market after reading a bit in Bluestockings. Afterward we went to Union Square and went to the whole foods there to get some food for her trip and for lunch. On the way out I was carrying Ithaca's shoulder bag and she had her backpack, she was a bit behind me and I heading out alone. After I breached the doors I was confronted by two men who barred my path with their bodies...
Long story short they found some food in my pockets and in a lot in Ithaca's bag and gave me a criminal trespass warning, so I'm not supposed to be in any whole foods again, Ithaca to apparently but they didn't take her picture and write down her (false info).
Luckily my lunch wasn't found, neither was the birthday gift I got for Ithaca or the things we took from the other whole foods :).
We ate (free) lunch in the park at Union and then just hung around until we met up with Ithaca's friend hung at a bar a bit and then I left Ithaca at the subway where she headed to her bus. Have fun in Colorado.
In terms of slutiness, we made an agreement; I can see Since and we can have sex but I can't go down on her, also I can't have sex with people I haven't known for less than 24 hours, we also agreed that I'd keep Ithaca up to date on what I'm up to in terms of being a slut. I told Ithaca I'm fine with her doing what she wants as long as she is safe and doesn't feel pressured into it, fuck letting people take advantage of you. I didn't tell her I'd like to know about what she does in terms of being a slut, but I'll send her an email about that afterward probably. I know jealousy a bit more now and it's a shitty feeling but with the distance and time gap I don't think I'll suffer any negative repercussions if Ithaca decides to mess around.
Also I might become a bike messenger soon and last night Ithaca got a pretty cool edgy hair cut :D

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