Friday, December 19, 2008

Back home

I got back home from university about two days ago. It's much warmer here and drier here. I did a lot of parkour in a few of my favorite spots in a neighborhood I hang out in with a friend who wants to learn. We went to a place called the pit, which is a ventilation pit surrounded by walls and rails and some metal blocks outside a hospital, after messing around on rails and doing tictacs onto and off of the metal blocks I stood on a fence and hopped up and caught hold of a wall I never thought to climb before. After pulling up and climbing up I realized it was a small rooflet with a ventilation pit making it impossible to see me I liked the spot it was a good place to go to to vanish. However when I decided to descent I saw a problem, I could either go into cat and drop to the ground (a fall two and a half body lengths long) or go into cat and drop onto the fence and risk falling into the lower ventilation pit. I choose the former and was fine. I need to be more mindful of my surroundings before going places. I went to another spot infront of a doctors office and worked a lot of precisions and vaults, my friend tried vaulting and precisions but needs to work upper body strength. After that we met the rest of our friends and hung out the rest of the night.
Bad news though I woke up this morning and the ground is white and more is falling...
:-\ just what I was trying to get away from, but I doubt it'll be on the ground the whole time I'm here.
EDIT: I've finished reading Takamatsu Toshitsugu The Last Shinobi by Wolfgang Ettig on the train.

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