Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fuckin ice cream and shit

Barracuda is a girl who is cool with my roomies and is from Calgary, I've been hanging out with her on and off, Igs is a cooper that I've been chilling with as well.
Today went to class and then to the potato with Barracuda (we have class together twice a week). Igs was there and we looked at some posters posted around, one was a sorority poster and Barracuda, apparently they were having an "ice cream social" the option was to of course, crash it. It was at 8 so I took Barracuda to the Frigo Vert and the Coop Bookstore (where I got a back patch), before going home.
At home I realized I was locked out of my side of the apartments. I waited out front reading zines from the books through bars thing I wanna join. Igs showed up because we were gonna sew up her dead shoes. I climbed up the balcony and then back down when I found the door was locked. We hung in the kitchen on the other side until someone came home with the keys to let us into the side I live on. I passed Igs some brown tshirt and a patch and I sewed on my backpatch.
Later in the night after Igs left I went to meet Barracuda, the sorority didn't actually have ice cream so left handing ensued and we ate at a nearby with some forks they gave us. I ran into some friends from my first year at school and an ex, it was cool seeing them again.
Free ice cream is delicious, I started telling Barracuda the story about me and Ithaca while we walked around downtown. I realized a lot of ridiculous things I did and a lot of ridiculous things I dealt with. While we strolled we bought candy from some people dressed as fairies and I found an open bag of candy in front of a museum. Shortly after finishing the story we exchanged (more like I was offered and accept) some hugs and then rode home and shared ice cream with my roomies :D
Zine fest and two parties Friday :)

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