Friday, February 12, 2010

Tired legs at the end of a long day...

Longest day ever...
I actually woke up early despite knowing that I wouldn't go to class, no idea why, but of course I couldn't fall back into a nice dream, I ended up watching lost then making food etc, normal morning stuff. At around 11.30ish me and Kusa headed out on bikes to take part in this unusual event with Uberculture; we were reclaiming space in one of the buildings in the downtown campus. We all met up ahead of time and were briefed while we waited for a few people to show up.
A few weeks earlier I had received an email asking for artists to take part in something from an email address that I didn't recognize, I answered that I was a traceur if that was among the kind of artists they were looking for, after the reply I followed the instructions provided to me and ended up at the briefing. The idea behind the event was to reclaim the space in the building and show up the ridiculous security policy, everyone but me and Kusa brought instruments. We all splintered off into groups and enter the building from a variety of entrances and each person set about playing music where they say fit, once everyone was settled in me and Kusa found a nice spot and started training then moved around a bit until one of the coordinators told us the something happened related to security cameras and we had to stop, the rest was boring, just standing around while a few peeps played music.
Afterward Kusa and I headed to McGill for a protest but ended up being early, we went in and did some quick parkour then left to the protest, which frankly was boring and I won't really cover.
Thinking I could go relax a bit we went home a bit and just chilled for a bit before my phone rang. It was for a craigslist trade, a food swap. I put on something with longer sleeves and went out to trade. I gave some dumpsters fruits and veggies with a bit of bread in exchange for some rice, mashed potatoes and some pork and beans, not bad for a bunch of stuff I got for free.
I got home, watched the Fresh Prince a bit and planned on going on a bike run nearby then going to sleep. I start putting on my dumpstering clothes and just as I'm about to step out, I get a text from V, he wants me to be at the student bar tonight...
After some convincing I'm there in a t-shirt waiting in line, of course this opens the peeps next to me to start a conversation about how I should be cold and how I'm crazy for coming on a bike, hiding my coat on a roof and generally being a strange type of hardass. Turned out to be a pretty awesome night aside from being molest by this insane girl me and Kusa know; I met a cute girl who I was happy to see found me on facebook, I ran into a jillion friends, I danced all night but somehow didn't get covered in sweat and I ate pizza with two girls I had met the previous Thursday at their friends place before going home.
Needless to say my legs were tired from the day and I couldn't stay up long enough to write this in it's entirety (I finished it this morning).

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