Sunday, January 24, 2010

Operation: Frozen Shut

Tonight me and Kusa we supposed to go to Igloofest (look it up) with a few friends, but they changed their minds, after a while Kusa convinced me that we should still go, but when his friend bailed as well we thought hey, lets try to sneak in and if we don't get in we didn't lose anything but effort.
Black Pleather Jacket
Dark Blue BDU Pants w/ Bumflap
Grey Beanie
Black Neckwarmer
Black Leather Gloves
Brown Boots
Blue Coat
Dark Blue Jeans
Brown Boots
Tan Hobo Mittens
We rode out on our bike and locked up out front of the main entrance and began a quick recon. Our plan was to get in and then vanish into the crowd, so we didn't bring specific gear or anything uniquely NO related. We walked the whole east side until we hit a fence blocking our path, we then went to check out the west side but they had security and a fence that was the barrier between us and the interior of Igloofest. After our quick recon walk we learned the following:
*Security guards were everywhere, but easily identifiable by their bright orange vests.
*All the fences were either spiked or flimsy and spiked so speedy crossing was impossible, we had to find a spot that was out of site.
*The festival wasn't so crowded that security wouldn't notice us if we dropped into a secluded area and walked into a crowded.
After a quick discussion we decided to hop the fence on the east side and explore to find a more viable route since there seemed to be a lack of security to the south west of the festival.
We climbed over the fence and walked through the snow, taking a detour around a fenced vacant lot until we got close to the festival again, noise wasn't an issue since music was blasting out of Igloofest. Once we got around we were basically walking on flat, towards more fencing, we noticed a security guard in the distance with his back to us behind the western fence we saw earlier during the recon, but we weren't worried since there was no light behind us to silhouette us. We moved to another fence where we would be able to see the back of the festival, we decided to approach from the back and see if we could choose a route that was secluded enough to hop the fence but also unattended. We hopped the fence of the vacant lot slowly (spikes) and made our way to the back fence of the festival. We crouch walked behind piles of snow and looked over for maybe 15 minutes trying to figure out our next move. We were at the back where all the trailers were, the DJs, staff and really light security were hanging out there, unfortunately we didn't want to go backstage we wanted to go the crowd at the dance floor and there of course was a wall of orange vests between the back stage and the public areas. Although we would've been able to get over the fence and get into the back stage area we had no way to get into the public zone undetected. After more observation and contemplation regarding the consequences of rushing and hiding in the crowd we decided to head home and figure out something else to do with the night (which turned out to be a fun idea). We snuck back to the gate hopped it, walked to the fence hopped that in front of a bunch of people (hey, we were leaving anyway) and took off on our bikes.
Lessons learned:
Don't underestimate security setup at public events
Sneaking is fun even when you fail
We need to develop a fast quiet method of getting over spiked fences

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