Monday, March 8, 2010

Bags, donuts and awesome weather

As of late the weather's been great, sun, temperatures high enough to make the snow melt and of course tank tops. Dumpstering was slow for a bit but then it turned great; last night I found an abandoned MEC backpack, all black, big and covered in straps, I think I'll probably use it to travel this summer with Cipher. Really happy with it, took it home cleaned it in the shower and now it's good to go. Tonight I went to Thief's neighborhood and we dumpstered around there a while. For some reason the whole night felt as though we weren't getting anything useful but alas at the end of the night we emptied everything onto the table and it was covered and full of foody potential. Here's what I took home (double it approx to see the total of our finds, since Thief kept his share of course):
1/2 box of cherrios
2 pears
3 apples
1 bell pepper
1 bag of donuts
2 loaves of bread
4 bags of chips
8 baggies of small carrots
1 squash
1 jar of baby food (vegetables and pasta)
1 large flat bread
5 muffins
1 almond cake
1/2 a bottle of maple syrup
From what I can tell Thief's neighborhood is pretty cool, the spots are more spread out but they all provide if you dig a bit.

Also I did an awesome craigslist trade: 1 carton of dumpstered orange juice with lots of pulp for 15 cups of instant mac and cheese, not the healthiest and all but in terms of quantity it's well worth it, they guy who traded didn't have a microwave so the mac and cheese was of no use to him.

EDIT: I talked to Dreads on Tuesday and it turns out that he and Guts and this girl were diving at the pharmacy in the daytime and got ran off, Guts had ditched his bag and I found it, so I brought it back later. Too bad I didn't a free bag, but Guts got his back and it was cleaner that when he left it too lol.

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